Get swap status for a transaction hash returned by BuyWithCrypto.
using Thirdweb.Pay;var status = await ThirdwebPay.GetBuyWithCryptoStatus(client, txHash);
: The Thirdweb client instance.
: The transaction hash of the swap transaction returned by BuyWithCrypto.
A BuyWithCryptoStatusResult
object containing the following properties:
Quote Quote; // The quote object containing the swap details.string SwapType; // The swap type, see SwapType enum.TransactionDetails Source; // The source transaction details.TransactionDetails Destination; // The destination transaction details.string Status; // The status of the swap, see SwapStatus enum.string SubStatus; // The sub status of the swap, see SwapSubStatus enum.string FromAddress; // The source address.string FailureMessage; // The failure message if the swap failed.string Bridge; // The bridge used for the swap if applicable.object PurchaseData; // Additional data passed when creating the quote