Getting Started

To get started with the Thirdweb .NET SDK, ensure you have .NET SDK installed on your machine.

We recommend using the latest stable version of .NET.

Integration Steps

  • .NET Package Installation

    Install the Thirdweb .NET SDK via NuGet package manager:

    dotnet add package Thirdweb

    This command adds the Thirdweb SDK to your project, allowing you to interact with the blockchain in your .NET applications.

  • Initialize Thirdweb Client

    Create a new instance of the Thirdweb client in your application:

    // For Web Applications
    var client = ThirdwebClient.Create(clientId: "yourClientId");
    // For Native Applications
    var client = ThirdwebClient.Create(clientId: "yourClientId", bundleId: "yourBundleId");
    // For Backend Applications
    var client = ThirdwebClient.Create(secretKey: "yourSecretKey");

    Replace "yourClientId" and "yourBundleId" with your actual client ID and bundle ID.

  • Interact with Smart Contracts

    Now, you can start interacting with smart contracts. For example, to read from a contract:

    var contract = await ThirdwebContract.Create(client: client, address: "contractAddress", chain: chainId);
    var readResult = await contract.Read<string>(contract, "methodName");
    Console.WriteLine($"Contract read result: {readResult}");

    Replace "contractAddress", chainId, and "methodName" with your contract's address, the chain ID, and the method name you wish to call.

  • Explore Advanced Features

    Check the SDK documentation for more advanced features like interacting with smart wallets, signing messages, and performing transactions.

Gaming Integrations